Cinnamic acid

Pharmacology of Cinnamic acid found in Daarusitaa-Cinnamon ( Cinnamomum verum ) Dr. Hemant Vinze M. S. Introduction Daarusitaa in Ayurveda is Cinnamon in English. In the West Cinnamon or cassia is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum . In the Orient however Daarusita has more medicinal value than a mere spice. In the taxonomic terminology it is known by various names. However Cinnamomum verum is considered as true cinnamon by plant taxonomists. [1] Daarusitaa-Cinnamon contains many pharmacologically active phytochemicals. Cinnamic acid is one of them. Cinnamic acid is a white crystalline organic compound, slightly soluble in water, and freely soluble in many organic solvents. It is classified as an unsaturated carboxylic acid. It occurs naturally in a number of plants. Cinnamic acid is obtained from oil of cinnamon or from balsams such as storax. Cinnamic acid has a honey ...